in which dosa turned out to be crispy as well as also equally not bad to normal dosa. I served in which with my tomato chutney recipe as well as also in which was a total hit. I was actually proud in which i found a perfect recipe if you dont have much time on hand. The cool thing will be you can make in which dosa batter in mixie, so no need to take heavy grinders out as well as also you dont waste time in washing in which up.
So try in which out as well as also let me know how in which turned out for you..

Preparation Time : 30 mins
Soaking Time : 6 Hours if you checked notes, then 30 mins
Fermenting Time : Overnight
Serves : 6 to 8
Idli Rice - 1 cup
Whole White Urad Dal / Ulundu Paruppu - 1/4 cup
Fenugreek Seeds / Methi / Vendayam - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Water as needed
Oil or Ghee to make dosa
Wash as well as also soak rice, urad dal as well as also fenugreek seeds together for 4 to 6 hours.
Drain them. Take in which in a blender as well as also add little water at a time as well as also make in which into a smooth batter. You can use ice cold water for grinding the batter.
Transfer in which to a large container. Add in salt as well as also mix well.
Cover in which as well as also let in which ferment overnight or 8 to 10 hours.
The next day, the batter should be risen well. Mix in which batter well.
Add water to adjust the consistency.
today make dosa in a hot pan, drizzle oil or ghee. use a spatula to smooth the top so in which will be even. Let in which get golden within the bottom. Fold as well as also serve.